Ice cube making machine is an electric device that produces ice cubes. They can be used for commercial or domestic purposes. The machine is often used for homes, bars, and hotels.
Ice cube making machine is an electric device that produces ice cubes. They can be used for commercial or domestic purposes. The machine is often used for homes, bars, and hotels.
Some tips for using ice makers most effectively
1/ Install the machine properly
+ Place the machine in a flat, well-ventilated location, away from direct sunlight.
+ Plug in and ensure stable power source
+ Install inlet and outlet water pipes according to the manufacturer's instructions
2/ Use clean water
+ Use filtered or purified water to make ice
+ Do not use water containing impurities or chemicals
+ Change water periodically to ensure hygiene
3/ Clean the machine regularly
+ Clean the water tank and ice tray once a week.
+ Clean the machine's condenser every 2 months
+ Use specialized cleaning solution to ensure machine safety
4/ Use the machine properly
+ Do not put too much water into the tank
+ Do not open the lid while the machine is operating
+ Remove the ice from the tray after the ice has been filled
5/ Some other tips
+ For the machine to operate most effectively, you should set the ambient temperature around the machine at 25 - 30 degrees Celsius.
+ If you do not use the machine regularly, turn off the power and clean the machine before storing.
+ When the machine has a problem, contact the manufacturer or warranty center for support.
++ You can see more: coffee maker price
Supplier of quality and genuine ice making machines
We constantly strive to give customers the best products on the market.
Our staff always updates news to provide high quality products.
Products at the unit are 100% imported with full documents and proper warranty.
Shipping nationwide according to carrier's charges. However, Vinbarista members will receive free shipping for orders over 2 million VND.
If you need to open a coffee shop, we also have solution consulting services according to the needs and business situation of your business.
With a wide distribution network nationwide with 2 showrooms in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi. We always try our best to bring the best experiences to our customers.
++ See more: industrial coffee grinder
If you have any questions about the automatic coffee maker, please contact the information below for timely support.
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Good coffee is not just a drink but also a lifestyle, and our products are beauty that awakens all your senses!